Tuesday, November 09, 2004

"Dubya Uber Alles"
(To the tune of "Deutschland Uber Alles")

Out in the streets we're marching,
In red states and in blue,
Putting women in their places,
Gays and ethnics too.

Dubya, Dubya Uber Alles
Uber Alles in the World.

The blood of the Iraqi people
We take upon our heads.
Our decency and honour
We proudly rip to shreds.

Dubya, Dubya Uber Alles,
Uber Alles in the World.

And now the Earth is trembling
at the might which we command.
Woe to all ye sinners,
the End is now at hand.

Dubya, Dubay Uber Alles,
Uber Alles in the World.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

It looks like Arafat may be dead. This is bad, bad news.

A commentator on Pacifica said that Kerry conceded the election so early because "he is a gentleman." I think it has more to do with not causing a ruckus that could harm his senatorial re-election campaign.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Time to move to Canada...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I would be satisfied with the life I have lived if I can honestly say that I possessed integrity. By integrity I mean that A.) I consistently acted so as to maximize the interests of all those who can be affected by my actions (favoring greater interests over lesser ones), not counting my own personal interests as any greater or lesser then those of any other sentient being and B.) that I only believed that which I had reason to believe based on a rigorous analysis of the evidence available to me. These two maxims are, to my way of thinking, the pre-requisites for living a rational, humanistic life, one which possesses a moral/intellectual unity.