I would be satisfied with the life I have lived if I can honestly say that I possessed integrity. By integrity I mean that A.) I consistently acted so as to maximize the interests of all those who can be affected by my actions (favoring greater interests over lesser ones), not counting my own personal interests as any greater or lesser then those of any other sentient being and B.) that I only believed that which I had reason to believe based on a rigorous analysis of the evidence available to me. These two maxims are, to my way of thinking, the pre-requisites for living a rational, humanistic life, one which possesses a moral/intellectual unity.
Uruk- A search for Identity.
The disjointed ramblings of a soul seeking clarity.
About Me
- Name: Abu Mahmoud
- Location: United States
أنا مسلم أمريكي من أصل إرلندي.أدرس الفلسفة ولي فضول عن العالم. نظري إلى الحياة على أساس التقدُّم وحقوق الإنسان والإنصاف للنساء وللعمّال.أومن أنّ الناس المتحد لن ينهزموا =======I am intensely curious about the world around me and am convinced that, to paraphrase Marx, it is not enough to understand the world; the point is to change it. I want to create a world where the suffering of all sentient beings is minimized and all people have access to meaningful work, healthcare, and education. I believe that this can only be achieved through a radical redistribution of resources whereby economic, political, and social capital is put work satisfying human need instead of pandering to inhuman greed.
Action Items
- Siddiqun
- Phoenix Reborn: The Fire of Truth
- International Travel Machine
- Salma Balma
- fireflesh presents: the fall of man
- Kekule's Circle: Challenging the Hegemonic Discourse of Science
- Electronic Iraq
- Third Resurrection
- Information Clearing House
- Marxists Internet Archive
- The Skeptics Dictionary
- Where is Raed?
- Baghdad Burning
- Juan Cole
Previous Posts
- Ya Allah! I am at a crossroads and I am afraid to ...
- Check out the link for Badmash.org. Dishoom!
- Ramadan Mubarak!
- Tired of being oppressed by your employer? Fed up ...
- FYI, I added a link to the weblog of Juan Cole. C...
- I came across one of those "help a Jew emmigrate t...
- I spent yesterday helping Papa; I love how I've be...
- From the Realm of Dreams blog: http://www.lights...
- The end result? A happy muslim.
- Oh no you don't...
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
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