Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Shrouded in green articulations,
stucco exploding like a rainbow,
the house at once establishes it's
hegemony over the guarded street.

Formed by bits of Al-Andalus,
shaped by necessity,
cruel necessity of the Carribean,
it is an ersatz life-raft for
the silent watching shapes inside.

Oh my beautiful palm,
Oh sweet Lazarus
in green tones
shedding khaki

How can you thrive in abuse?
How can I become like you?


Miniatures, I shape miniatures,
like a Moghul chess board
on a table
carved with flowers.

An autonomous universe,
it's own law
it's own perfection.

Possibility playing itself out
in the corner of a room.

How long must I strike my hands against the cage
the cage of my own weakness?
How long must I search for a cure to the sickness
of the heart, of the will?

When I can remember, always remember
my better self
When I can breathe life into the fiction and
incarnate my Ideal.