Monday, April 17, 2006

Brother Biryani's blog: Corrupt Memri
Brother Biryani gives us reason to be skeptical of the media's presentation of the Iranian President.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Local Mawlids

The All Dulles Area Muslim Society will be celebrating the Prophet (SAW) on April 29th at 1:30 PM.

The Islamic Tijaniya Foundation of America will be holding a number of Mawlid events
throughout the country. The Baltimore Mawlid is on April 29th and the DC Mawlid is on May 13th. Contact information can be found at the link above.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Milad Attack

May Allah (SWT) have mercy on those who were killed in today's attack in Karachi. I honestly don't know how else to respond to this; what sick, deranged mind could ever think that this sort of thing is acceptable? Even if one believes that one ought not to celebrate Milad-un-Nabi one does not have the right to brutally murder innocent human beings who disagree with you. I find it hard to believe that any Muslim was behind this. Our we actually this pagal? Oh Allah save us in these difficult times, increase our love for You and for Your Messenger (SAW), give us sabr, and grant us victory over those who would tear the Ummah apart.


Milad un-Nabi

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem

On this day over fourteen-hundred years ago was born Allah's most perfect creation, Muhammad ibn Abdullah (SAW) the Apostle of Allah. May Allah bless him, his family, his descendents, his wives, his companions and his followers. May he intercede for all of the Muslims on the day of Judgement. And may his guidance reach out to us from beyond the veil of time so that the last of us understands it more than the first. Let us all reflect on the life of the Sayyidina Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) and seek to emulate him in every aspect of our lives so that, by the grace of Allah (SWT), our Iman, our Taqwa, and our love Allah (SWT) and his Messenger (SAW) are perfected.


Monday, April 10, 2006

A Just Civil War?

Caleb Carr writes in the Washington Post on the justice of an Iraqi Civil War.

Mr. Carr seems to ignore the fact that punishing (on a mass scale)
the whole Sunni Community (including women and children, who inevitably get the worst treatment during war) for the actions of an elite of Baathists
and foreign fighters is prima facie unjust. Surely he wouldn't say
that it is just to target American civilians for the grossly unjust
actions of US officials and corporations? Why should the standard of
justice be lower for Iraqi Sunnis? Raping a Sunni woman because some
Baathist raped your sister is nothing more than injustice. Invading a
Sunni home and killing the people inside because a Baathist did so to
your family is nothing more than injustice. They are practices of
collective punishment that are wisely prohibited under international law.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The following is the text of a letter I am going to send to my congressman concerning the most recent attempt to punish the Palestinian people for resisting colonization. You can learn more about the pending anti-Palestinian legislation here.

Honorable Congressman,

I strongly urge you to oppose HR4681 and vote against it when occasion arises. This bill would, if it becomes law, greatly restrict the humanitarian aid available to the Palestinian people from both the US (Section 620K) and international aid organizations (Section 3). It would also restrict the ability of the Palestinian Authority to represent itself effectively by denying PA representatives Visas (Section 5), by restricting their travel (Section 6), and by shutting down their offices in the United States (Section 7). The former is unjust because it punishes a sovereign people for exercising a fundamental right in a manner of which the US Government disapproves. The latter is ill-advised because restricting diplomatic activity only makes a peaceful negotiated settlement harder to obtain. The bill demands that the Palestinian Authority dismantle "the terrorist infrastructure" (Section 620K). I respectfully submit that terrorists have no infrastructure. It takes none to manufacture a home-made bomb. Infrastructure development is, however, the solution to terrorism; it creates opportunity in place of helplessness, gives hope and defeats despair. Once Palestinians have the opportunity to rebuild their lives, their families, their homes they will find that the best outcome to the conflict with Israel will only be had via dialogue, mutual trade, and negotiation. The violent groups will find their number of supporters dwindling and will be forced to come on board to any comprehensive peace agreement. This can only happen if the Palestinians are given the aid they need to rebuild what they've lost over the past five years. That aid will only come if HR4681 is defeated.

Thank You.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jimmy Swaggart, of all people, was on the tube early this morning, hawking his "Commentary on Isaiah" which will tell his viewers what the true ambitions of the Muslims are. As for this Muslim, my ambition is to graduate college sometime before my younger brother.