Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Photos from the August 12th Emergency Rally at the White House

A lone muslimah protests outside of Lafayette Park before the rally. Posted by Picasa

The front of a feeder march. Posted by Picasa

More from the feeder march. Posted by Picasa

Marching towards the White House. Posted by Picasa

Wise counsel from the Qur'an. Posted by Picasa

More words of wisdom from the Qur'an. Posted by Picasa

Mourning the dead side by side. Posted by Picasa

A shot of the perpetual protest in front of the White House. Posted by Picasa

Muslims aren't the only ones to use religious symbolism in a political context. Posted by Picasa

Pakistani Americans standing with Lebanon and Filasteen. Posted by Picasa

A crowd shot. Posted by Picasa

الله أكبر من البيت الأبيض Posted by Picasa

Marxists way in on the issue, casting it as a struggle between the Palestinian (and Israeli) proletariat and the entrenched forces of capital which split the workers along ethno-religious lines and bribe one section with a higher standard of living in order to get them to look away while the entire Palestinian nation is destroyed. This same tactic was used during the colonization of this continent in order to prevent a coalition of Indigenous people, african slaves, and white indentured servants from forming and overthrowing the existing colonial regime. Posted by Picasa

This is not simply a Muslim issue; it is a human rights issue. All religions which are true to their purpose support social justice and oppose violence as means of solving disputes. Posted by Picasa

Protesters filled the park. Posted by Picasa

This speaks for itself. Posted by Picasa

Protesters along the road bordering Lafayette Park. Posted by Picasa

The Protest was called for a number of issues. Posted by Picasa

All of Filesteen is holy. Posted by Picasa

Photos from the August 11th Rally

A rally against the attacks on Lebanon on August 11th at the Baltimore County Courthouse in Towson. It was called by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

A view from inside the rally. A civil disobedience advocate, fresh from a jail sentence, urges us to put our bodies where our mouths are.

A Baptist minister and Vietnam War veteran who has worked with the American Friends Service Committee urges us to always keep in mind the essential humanity of all people regardless of religious creed or ethnicity.

Jon Benet Ramseyitis

Informed Comment

Fox news was airing 'exclusive pictures from inside the cabin' of the plane that the suspect flew to the US.
"You won't believe what he's drinking!" When I heard that I honestly thought that I'd stepped into some sureal
Simponsesque Bizarro world.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Original Pakistan Anthem

And here is a section of Pakistan's original anthem, which was originally approved of by Quaid-E-Azam.

آئی سرزمین پاک
زرے تیرے ہیں آج
ستاروں سے تبنک
کہیں آج تیرى خاک
روشن ہیں کہکشاں سے

O land of Pakistan,
Each particle of yours
Is being illuminated by stars.
Even today your dust has been
Been brightened by the galaxy

From the same source as the previous post.

قومى ترانہ

پاک سرزمین شاد باد
كشور حسين شاد باد
تو نشان عزم علیشان
! ارض پاکستان
مرکز یقین شاد باد

پاک سرزمین کا نظام
قوت اخوت عوام
قوم ، ملک ، سلطنت
پائندہ تابندہ باد
شاد باد منزل مراد

پرچم ستارہ و ہلال
رہبر ترقی و کمال
ترجمان ماضی شان حال
! جان استقبال
سایۂ خدائے ذوالجلال

Blessed be the Sacred Land
Happy and bounteous realm
Symbol of high resolve
Land of Pakistan
Blessed be thou, Citadel of Faith

The Order of this Sacred Land
Is the might of the Brotherhood of the People
May the nation, the country, and the state
Shine in glory everlasting
Blessed be the goal of our ambition

This Flag of the Crescent and Star
Leads the way to progress and perfection
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present
Inspiration of our future
Symbol of the Almighty's protection

(From Wikipedia)

Pakistan Zindabad

Happy 14th August to all my Pakistani peeps.
پاکستان زنداباد
يحيا باكستان

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hiroshima Day

Today marks the sixty-first anniversary of the completely unnecessary atomic holocaust at Hiroshima. Oh Allah, please never allow such horific weapons to be used again.
Ameen. For those who are nearby there is a list of protest activities here.