Brother Biryani's blog: Corrupt Memri
Brother Biryani gives us reason to be skeptical of the media's presentation of the Iranian President.
Brother Biryani's blog: Corrupt Memri
The All Dulles Area Muslim Society will be celebrating the Prophet (SAW) on April 29th at 1:30 PM.
May Allah (SWT) have mercy on those who were killed in today's attack in Karachi. I honestly don't know how else to respond to this; what sick, deranged mind could ever think that this sort of thing is acceptable? Even if one believes that one ought not to celebrate Milad-un-Nabi one does not have the right to brutally murder innocent human beings who disagree with you. I find it hard to believe that any Muslim was behind this. Our we actually this pagal? Oh Allah save us in these difficult times, increase our love for You and for Your Messenger (SAW), give us sabr, and grant us victory over those who would tear the Ummah apart.
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem
Caleb Carr writes in the Washington Post on the justice of an Iraqi Civil War.
The following is the text of a letter I am going to send to my congressman concerning the most recent attempt to punish the Palestinian people for resisting colonization. You can learn more about the pending anti-Palestinian legislation here.