I protested the annual DC anti-abortion march yesterday. It was much the same as last year, except that there were a few more pro-choice protestors (primarily World Can't Wait people) this year. The anti-abortion activists were more confrontational this year, pulling signs from our hands and ripping them up, threatening to burn them, throwing holy water on us and the like. I had a chance to have a few civil debates along the lines of the ones I participated in last year, but most people were content to shout slogans and ad-hominem attacks. I did learn something new, however: apparently, a large number of the protestors are participating to fulfill the public service requirement of their parochial schools. A significant number of these, I am given to believe, are protesting solely to fulfill this requirement. I talked to a couple of teenagers who said that they were actually on our side. Having been asked how much I was being paid to protest the march (the belief that abortion clinics are a "fortune five-hundred industry" seems to be quite common), it gives me some sense of vindication knowing that at least some of the anti-abortion protestors are themselves being compensated for attending the march. I took some pictures; insha'Allah they'll be up tomorrow.
Uruk- A search for Identity.
The disjointed ramblings of a soul seeking clarity.
About Me
- Name: Abu Mahmoud
- Location: United States
أنا مسلم أمريكي من أصل إرلندي.أدرس الفلسفة ولي فضول عن العالم. نظري إلى الحياة على أساس التقدُّم وحقوق الإنسان والإنصاف للنساء وللعمّال.أومن أنّ الناس المتحد لن ينهزموا =======I am intensely curious about the world around me and am convinced that, to paraphrase Marx, it is not enough to understand the world; the point is to change it. I want to create a world where the suffering of all sentient beings is minimized and all people have access to meaningful work, healthcare, and education. I believe that this can only be achieved through a radical redistribution of resources whereby economic, political, and social capital is put work satisfying human need instead of pandering to inhuman greed.
Action Items
- Siddiqun
- Phoenix Reborn: The Fire of Truth
- International Travel Machine
- Salma Balma
- fireflesh presents: the fall of man
- Kekule's Circle: Challenging the Hegemonic Discourse of Science
- Electronic Iraq
- Third Resurrection
- Information Clearing House
- Marxists Internet Archive
- The Skeptics Dictionary
- Where is Raed?
- Baghdad Burning
- Juan Cole
Previous Posts
- When Cutting is not Cutting
- If you want to discredit the Islamists, let them win.
- New Classes at Darul Uloom Maryland
- The Role of Cognitive Science in Pedagogy
- Pictures from the Mumbai Attack
- Attack on Mumbai
- Shaquanda Cotton is Free!
- Anniversary of the Ponce Massacre
- Free Shaquanda Cotton!
- Nawruz
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006