Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The tsunami was far worse than it initially appeared to be. Both Islamic Relief and Oxfam are operating in the affected countries to provide emergency relief to the victims. Both do good work, but Islamic Relief has a lower overhead which means that more of your money gets to the victims. Please donate; the links are at the left of the screen.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

My condolences go out to the families of those killed by the massive tsunamis trigored by the earthquake off coast of Sumatra, as wells as to those displaced by it. When I have the information I'll post information about the relief effort, including how to donate.

For more information see:

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Came across the above while browsing. I think it's absolutely absurd that naked thuggery (including electronic harrasment and death threats) is being succesfully masked as a campaign for academic freedom. I can understand why some conservative students may feel that it is difficult for them to obtain a good grade in certain classes; conservativism does not encourage independent thinking or intellectual rigour, leaving its exponents peculiarly ill equipped to think cogently, argue persuasively or write effectively. Another absurdity, of course, is that Israelis possess greater academic freedom to discuss their own country than Americans have to examine either the US OR Israel. To live in America is to live in a contradiction.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

If anyone is looking for an innovative, progressive gift to give this year for the holidays (or for any purpose), please consider donating in the recipient's name to the Afghan Women's Mission All the proceeds are forwarded to the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, a home-grown organization dedicated to educating Afghan women and children and securing their physical and emotional well-being via medical care, orphanages, and other aid and reconstruction projects. Anything you can send would make a world of difference.

I too will die.
Sinuous cracks,
creeping into my heart;
shimmering panic.
Will it dissipate,
an illusion?

Am I the animal, man,
destined to strive,
for a time,
slave to passions
determined eons ago?

Or has something new
been tossed up
upon this shore of heaven?
Can I look up from earth
and see myself,
a reflection of a reflection
proceeding into infinity?

That which I am
when I am human,
ideal, eternal

Women, men,
all are aspects
of the one person,
the only person
the eternally human