Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saturday January the 27th Anti-War March on the Mall

I apologize for the bluriness and glare in some of these pictures, but I was using a camera phone.

Some crowd shots from the beginning of the protest, when the program of speakers was starting.

Tibetan singing bowls for peace. I wonder what would have happened had the gongs been struck?

Teamsters for peace.

Buddhists marching for peace.

Radical Chearleaders.

"Enough! Give us peace."

The back banner for the ANSWER contingent.

Jewish peace groups marching right behind ANSWER.


Making the point that the presence of the Louisiana National Guard in Fallujah lead to deaths in New Orleans.

For more information look here. You can also call the No Police State Coalition at (718) 945-5188.

Reporting on the March.

This was a really creative sign; a still photo doesn't do it justice. The oil derrick actually pumped when the operator turned a crank. This resulted in a piece of the sign lowering out of the front of Bush's mouth, giving the appearance of him drooling oil.

Some crowd shots from within the ANSWER Contingent. We had a number of good chants going, mostly pro-Palestinian, and a great deal of energy and spirit.

West Virginians for peace; that's for you, Grandma!

Marching for Justice.

The front banner of the ANSWER Contingent, advertising the upcoming March 17th march at the Pentagon.

The opposition. There were very few of them and they mostly shouted incoherent non-sense. The fundamentalists were not there.

Some protesters engaged in Civil Disobediance.

We marched from the Mall past the Department of Labor and the Supreme Court and returned to the Mall from the opposite side.

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