Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Reporting on the Protests in Lebanon

"Hezbollah-led protesters target Lebanon"

Notice how protest which started out peacefully and which escalated to stone throwing and barracade building only after government attempts at suppressing "sedition" is qualified as 'violent' throughout the article. The title of the article even implies the Hizbullah is some external force trying to invade the Lebanon, instead of an indigenous, grass roots movement. These protests have been repeatedly described in the media as a 'coup' attempt but this is clearly absurd; Military and Financial elites attempt coups. They are a top-down change in governance. When the masses rise up and the "people on the street," to quote the undersecretary of State, attempt to overthrow a government that's a revolution, not a coup. Interestingly enough, the undersecretary's original remarks have now been edited on reports coming down the wire to ommit his admission that the people protesting were the people on the street. Now they are simply a 'mob.' The economic grievances which are a partial cause of these protests and which have led them to be endorsed by the Unions in Lebanon are either not mentioned or are underplayed. Of course, the anti-Syrian protests which followed the death of Prime Minister Hariri were a 'peaceful revolution' and not the actions of a mob. Neither were the protests leading to the 'Orange Revolution' in Ukraine. But when those who are not Western puppets adopt the same tactics, they become "terrorism" and a "coup attempt" (Samir Geagea).

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