Pentagon official apologizes for remarks
What I find disturbing about this is what's not being said. For one thing, they've watered down his remarks which were, fortunately, broadcast on today's edition of Democracy Now. He didn't say 'suspected' terrorists. He said that the detainees were terrorists without qualification. While I am happy that the response to these remarks was swift and strong, it focused almost entirely on the due-process aspect of this case, on the need for the all defendents to have competent representation. It did not focus, to my knowledge, on the fact that the US Government official who is in charge of the detainees has publically declared them to be guilty before a trial (or 'military tribunal') has been conducted. If this attitude is indicative of the general biases of those officers who will be conducting the tribunals, God help the poor souls in Guantanamo. How can anyone maintain themselves in the illusion that this is a just, impartial government when the government itself doesn't bother to maintain its facade anymore? Ya Allah, give the political prisoners sabr to withstand their trials and grant them release from their ordeals. Ameen.
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