Uruk- A search for Identity.
The disjointed ramblings of a soul seeking clarity.
About Me
- Name: Abu Mahmoud
- Location: United States
أنا مسلم أمريكي من أصل إرلندي.أدرس الفلسفة ولي فضول عن العالم. نظري إلى الحياة على أساس التقدُّم وحقوق الإنسان والإنصاف للنساء وللعمّال.أومن أنّ الناس المتحد لن ينهزموا =======I am intensely curious about the world around me and am convinced that, to paraphrase Marx, it is not enough to understand the world; the point is to change it. I want to create a world where the suffering of all sentient beings is minimized and all people have access to meaningful work, healthcare, and education. I believe that this can only be achieved through a radical redistribution of resources whereby economic, political, and social capital is put work satisfying human need instead of pandering to inhuman greed.
Action Items
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Previous Posts
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I think that UFPJ has severe limitations, especially their spineless stance on Palestine. That said, I definitely plan to be there, as it is especially important at this time to support major anti-war actions--the only thing which will hold the Democrats' feet to the fire on the anti-war issues on which many of them were elected. Inshallah, I'm hoping it will be a good turnout.
I agree. I think the main problem with UFPJ is that it is too enamoured of the poodle crowd and not willing enough to meaningfully challenge the status quo. While it wants to end the current war, it doesn't really put much thought into analysing the politico-economic system which leads to war. This makes its opposition rather one dimensional.
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