Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Hai Allah, I don't know what to think about what's happening in Sudan. On the one hand, my heart heaves for my brothers and sisters sitting in refugee camps, faced with dwindling supplies, harasment from militias, and an uncertain future. On the other I am skeptical about the intentions of some of those who have made themselves spokespersons for the peopple of Darfur. I am afraid that there is an attempt being made to divide black Americans from the Arab world, to promote unhealthy stereotypes about Arabs, to earn easy political capital from grossly oversimplifying a complex conflict, and even to engage in some (indirect) Muslim bashing. I am disturbed by the lack of participation of those groups who have been in the vanguard of the peace and justice movement in last Sunday's rally. I am very much afraid that there will be an attempt to destroy another resource rich Muslim nation after the manner of Iraq. This outcome would certainly not be in the interest of the people of Darfur. There is one thing I am certain about, however. A lasting solution to this conflict will only come about if both sides set aside whatever jahiliya is in their hearts about ethnic superiority and deal with each other in the spirit of Islamic Brotherhood. Questions of temporal sovereignty should never be allowed to disrupt Muslim Unity. And in the spirit of Muslim unity I think it is incumbent upon American Muslims to support their brothers and sisters by contributing to those groups who are in Darfur providing the basic services that they need.


Blogger Abu Turab said...

i completely agree with your assessment.

9:38 PM  

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