Some believers venerating a saint buried in the shrine. While the shrine itself is dedicated to Data Sahab, there are other holy personages buried here. Believers come to the shrine to make dua (supplication) for the saint in the hope that the saint will in response make dua for them. Islam teaches that dua made at certain times and places and by certain people are more likely to be accepted. Data Ganj Bakhsh, as his title (which means 'Bestower of Spiritual Blessings') suggests, is particularly famous for having his duas on behalf of the believers accepted. A common practice is to recite Quran, Naats and Hamd (songs of praise to the Prophet and to Allah) and to distribute langar (food given to the poor) while asribing the thawab (reward) to the saint. As with dua made for the saint, these practices are intended to induce the holy person to intercede on the believers behalf with Allah (Glorified and Exalted). Similarly, the early Muslims used to bless the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and he would in turn pray for their forgiveness and benefit.

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